Sunday, December 22, 2013

so it began.

For seventeen days, from September 27th until October 13th, I had the immense blessing and privilege to travel to Japan with a team of four others from my church to Japan. If you've known me for awhile, or even followed this blog for some time now, you know how my heart is with Japan. During our trip, we visited families from our church, visited various churches, saw different ministries, and roamed Japan and did our best to bless the people we met. The first half of our trip we stayed in Tokyo, and the second half of our trip we went to Ofunato, in the Tohoku region, to volunteer at the temporary houses.

Here are some photos of our first few days in Tokyo.

More pictures to come!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

keller ever after.


Apologies about the lack of updates for two months, (to my faithful 11 Followers of this blog, others, and random strangers that stumble upon here). The months of September and October were full of work, preparing and going to Japan (which I'll be posting photos of later), and weddings (both for work and for friends)! Just because I haven't been posting on here, doesn't mean I haven't been taking photos. ;)

On September 22nd, I had the honor and privilege of attending my dear friend's wedding. You've probably seen her here before in posts past involving Disney princesses, and a year ago with her now-husband. She asked me to take a few candid shots, and detail shots. The wedding was nothing short of magical, and as much as I would have loved to take more photos, I kept on telling myself to be in the moment, and share in the joy of celebrating two lives becoming one.

Congrats, again! And may you continue to have your #kellereverafter. :)

{This one of her dad looking on at Jonathan while he tells his vows is one of my favorites from the night.}

And also a few from my phone: