Monday, October 29, 2012

"not what i do, but who i am".

As a recent post-grad, the most common question I get is: "What do you do?"

I know that our occupation, (or one lack thereof), helps define who we are, but that barely does it justice. We are more than what we do, what title we hold, or what society claims we are. Every person has a story to tell, dreams they're chasing, growing passions, and personality quirks that make them who they are.

I highly dislike the fact that people in our day and age put such an importance on what we do instead of really getting to know who people are, the stories they have to tell, and seeing a person deeper than the surface.

Through this project, I hope to show others who I've come to know and love that they are more than what others see them as, but they are amazing individuals with beautiful hearts and incredible souls. I want people to know and understand that they're more than their job, their relationship to an institution, but that they're uniquely and beautifully themselves.

This is personal because it's something that I struggle with myself, as I'm sure a lot of people my generation can relate with. This will be an ongoing project, and I hope that it'll spur me on to develop deeper relationships with people, and see others how God sees them.

{If you're interested in being a part of this project of mine, contact me and we'll talk. :)}

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