Monday, October 29, 2012

"not what i do, but who i am".

As a recent post-grad, the most common question I get is: "What do you do?"

I know that our occupation, (or one lack thereof), helps define who we are, but that barely does it justice. We are more than what we do, what title we hold, or what society claims we are. Every person has a story to tell, dreams they're chasing, growing passions, and personality quirks that make them who they are.

I highly dislike the fact that people in our day and age put such an importance on what we do instead of really getting to know who people are, the stories they have to tell, and seeing a person deeper than the surface.

Through this project, I hope to show others who I've come to know and love that they are more than what others see them as, but they are amazing individuals with beautiful hearts and incredible souls. I want people to know and understand that they're more than their job, their relationship to an institution, but that they're uniquely and beautifully themselves.

This is personal because it's something that I struggle with myself, as I'm sure a lot of people my generation can relate with. This will be an ongoing project, and I hope that it'll spur me on to develop deeper relationships with people, and see others how God sees them.

{If you're interested in being a part of this project of mine, contact me and we'll talk. :)}

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

current inspiration.

I finally feel like it's time for me to do something. October marks the fourth month of being a college graduate and still confused-as-ever about what next steps I should be taking. Four months ago, I wouldn't have imagined myself still stuck on what I want to do for next year, trying to think of jobs or internships to pursue, etc. More recently I've been searching for different leads to pursue, yet fear is always causing me to hesitate. Stephen couldn't have been more right: the scariest moment is right before you start. What I take away from that statement is that that moment is the fear of what you're about to embark on blown out of proportion.

I'm starting. It's scary. Yet, I know that it can only get better from here. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


This is the last Princess from this photoshoot. You have probably seen pictures of Shirley on my blog if you've been following the past couple of months. She's a dear friend of mine who was my first friend that I made in the fellowship I went to in college. Shirley is super down-to-earth and bubbly! She's been such a great friend throughout all of these years, and I was so glad that she was down for this photoshoot. :) And notice the props. keke. ;)

This was such a fun, creative collaborative experience! I'm so blessed to have such beautiful, talented friends and that we were able to pull this one off! Thanks so much again to everyone!

Another one is in the works with different Princesses. Stay tuned! ;)

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Christiana was one of the girls in my small group when I led freshmen. When I posted about this photoshoot, I don't think she was expecting to model. heh heh! :) She is super down-to-earth, sweet, kind, and has such a genuine heart to help others out. Very beautiful inside and out! I'm glad that she was down to be a part of this shoot.

{We were going more for the outfit Cinderella wore before the big fancy dress. :)}

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

snow white.

This actually wasn't the first time working with Michelle! A few years back, I organized a little photoshoot, and she volunteered to model. Then last year, she modeled for Traci and my collaboration. It was great being able to work with her again in this creative way! She totally rocked the hipster Snow White. ;)