Saturday, November 27, 2010


As stated in the previous post, I was able to take photos for the school newspaper for the Freedom and Fashion event. Freedom and Fashion is a fashion show that promotes products that are created by victims of human trafficking, and when buying the products, you are supporting them with a job and a dignity. The show was great, and the clothes were so fashionable! Sadly, I am a poor non-working college student, so I couldn't really afford any of them... :( This was the first fashion show that I've been to, so that was neat! :)

Esna Yoon. YouTube star.

Dr. E - survivor of human trafficking.

Jeannie Mai. The emcee.

Not For Sale campaign.

The gal started it all: Bonnie Kim.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

in case you were curious.

Here's a link to the article I was shooting for. :)

I will edit this post later and post more pictures sooooon!

Monday, November 8, 2010


This past Saturday, I went to Freedom and Fashion, a fashion show that raised awareness of human traffiking and what people could do about it. Originally, I was just going to go and support, and to check out the fashion show. However, my friend that works for the school newspaper asked if I could photograph for the newspaper since I'm technically an intern.

While I was taking pictures, not knowing what the heck I was doing and what I was allowed to do, I was thinking how it was interesting what kind of photos I've taken in the past few years. I've gone from just taking pictures on my point-and-shoot camera, to taking pictures of my sister's basketball games, making my own photoshoots, talking to photographers, and taking pictures at a fashion show. I would have never in my life thought that I would have done the things I have in this past year alone. It blows my mind!

Tonight, I went to the photo team's meeting, and there was a photographer that was teaching us the basics of the camera, and I learned so much. Even though I didn't understand half of the acronyms he was spewing out of his mouth, I nodded like the rest of the interns/staff like I knew exactly what he was talking about. Despite the fact that I felt so amateurish, it just inspires me to want to learn more and become a better photographer. I wondered why I hadn't done this earlier. The meeting in itself was awkward because I walked in and when I introduced myself, no one said "hi" back to me, but just stared back at me, which made me feel awkward...but I forgot all about it when the speaker started explaining how a camera works.

I guess tonight was just a realization that I still have so much to learn, and it doesn't scare me, but excites me. Here's to more learning!

Sidenote: I'm thinking of doing a photoshoot of some sort, but I'm not sure when that will take place...I've told a few people about it, and they seem to like it, so I'll be trying to plan for it. Thank you for following me, friends. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

day two and day three.

Day Two:

Meet my sister. I actually posted about her previously, but here she is again. This past weekend, her, my Dad, and I went up to Davis to help her move in to her new dorm. The first day, well more like evening, we just drove and then stayed at a hotel overnight. Riding up there was nothing too big -- not like that much can happen on the 5*.

Day Three:

So, I've always heard that Davis was the biker school, but I did not know that every single student would literally have a bike. Everywhere you turn, there's a bike. Every direction you look, someone is on a bike. There were road bikes, beach cruisers, mountain bikes. Bikes, galore! Ridiculous!

My sister moved into a triple dorm room, and there was a bit of manual labor...literally manual...har har. After all that was done, I wanted to help my sister unpack, but she didn't even need my help. So weird to see my sister in a place where I was exactly two years ago. How time flies by so fast! I reallyy like this shot because it's my sister and her two roommates, a biker, and they're all going towards the same direction. It kind of describes her future, I guess in one picture. She has so much going for her, and she doesn't need me...haha. Not like she ever did,'s different. And I'm sure that her experience at Davis will be amazing! :)

Although Davis is beautiful, I doubt I'd ever want to actually go to school there. I walked on the campus afterward with my Dad, and we only covered a quarter of the campus and I was tired of walking. -o- So sad. Irvine is a lot more compact and easily accessible compared to Davis' campus.

*Did you know that NorCal people refer to freeways as just numbers, while SoCal people say "the" before the number?! SO WEIRD!

Friday, September 17, 2010

day one.

Honestly, I kind of forgot about this until the end of the day, and right now, I just I went to find my dog to take a picture of her. Being a dog, she isn't the best model; meaning that she won't stay still, constantly scratching herself, walking around, etc. I wanted to frame her using the door frame, but she kept on walking away, thus...this is what came from it:

haha. I kind of like it...the epicness of her old paws and just her standing. Since she's an old baachan now, it takes a lot of effort for her to even stand up. Every time I see her get up, I feel like I have to say, "Ussho" for her! haha. Oh dear. I try to give her so much love, and yet it isn't reciprocated. When I tried to take a picture her, she tried to kiss me...resulting in a blurry picture. It shows she cares...a little!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

summer camp.

A few weeks ago, I cabin led for my church's youth camp. It was one of the most stretching experiences I've had in my life thus far. In one week, it felt like a year's worth of emotions. Despite how tiring and draining it was, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

*Thanks to Traci Louie for the watermark! :D

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

college retreat.

This is a bit outdated, but last month, I went to my church's college retreat. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures, but here's a few of them! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

shady canyon.

I went back to Irvine last week to do a photoshoot with a friend. A couple of my friends generously volunteered their beautiful selves to model once again! Yayyy friends!

We went to a place called Shady Canyon. Actually, it's not shady and not a canyon. It's a random private road that has a field. The parking lot was pretty deserted and it was next to a soccer field. Maybe 2o minutes into it, it started to rain a bit, but the sun was still out. So weird. I wish we could have spent more time there, but I am satisfied with the final shots I got. Hooray!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I got to go bowling with some friends when I visited Irvine last. I forgot how fun it was! And to top it off, it was cheap! :) YAY!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Freshman small group leader. Friend. Sister.

She's all graduated from college and going out to the world. Go get 'em girl. :)

can't wait.

I'm going to be living with this girl for the next year. I'm excited! (Because that means more pictures of her! ;) )


I don't really have a title for this collection of pictures, since they're from various places and I'm just putting them in one entry. Heh. Sorry! I promise that there will be at least one or two legit photoshoots that I'm planning on doing this summer. Thank you to my loyal readers! :D

edge games.

dance show.

what girls do best.

visit to arcadia with friends.

had to repost this. :)

m.e. lovin'.

emma's surprise.