Wednesday, September 4, 2013

welcome to new york!

Hello Friends!

Sorry for the lack of posts as of late; with transitioning into a different schedule and trying to get in the swing of things, I haven't had any time to really edit any photos. Trust me, I have photos to share with y'all. :)

Around this time last month, my good friend and I flew to the East Coast to visit our other dear friend in...

New York Cityyyyy!!

This trip had me fallin' head over heels for this city. I am an introvert (hollah at me, my peeps!) and I thought I'd be scared out of my wits being in such a large city with so many people. The biggest surprise was that I absolutely loved it! I love how there are so many people and the stories that they have, people watching, the history that is seeping from the buildings, and the parks!

We had such a blast getting to explore the city and being such tourists, but the next time we go...we're definitely just sticking to eating and chillin' at the parks. ;)

For our first full day, we hit up a few historical spots. The weather was a bit spotty (as in rain every few hours, so we'd have to run inside the nearest store/building/cover), so it made for an interesting day. I'll let the photos doing the explainin'.

Central Park -- my absolute FAVE.

The MET.

Grand Central Station

New York Public Library

From the iPhone (iPhonetoes -- not of toes...perhaps I need to think of a better name...)
I've recently discovered VSCO CAM, and I adore it! It's pretty much like Lightroom on your phone. Prettty great.

Stay tuned for more! ;)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh the met is one of the museums on my bucket list, wheeehee these pictures are amazing
