Friday, September 20, 2013

new york wrapped up.

Every time I think about New York, see pictures of New York, or hear that people are visiting New York I give a wistful sigh. Although it was a jam-packed few days, I loved every second of it! I am making it a point to go back to New York again before I'm 30. I think I'll have enough money to make another trip by then. (Ha, right?)

 9/11 Memorial.

Statue of Liberty. {We only were near the Statue for less than 5 minutes...heh}

Monday, September 9, 2013

parks + museums.

One thing I wish we did more of is spend more times in the parks. I absolutely adored the parks there! A few weeks ago, I had jury duty in L.A. and was assigned to the courthouse right next to Grand Park. I thought, "Oh, surely it'll be as great as the parks in New York!" It was nice, but not the same. :(

Washington Square Park!


I don't have as many pictures from our second day because we went to SoHo and shopped for quite a bit. Heh. :) At night we ate in St. Mark's and had some pretty tasty Japanese food.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

welcome to new york!

Hello Friends!

Sorry for the lack of posts as of late; with transitioning into a different schedule and trying to get in the swing of things, I haven't had any time to really edit any photos. Trust me, I have photos to share with y'all. :)

Around this time last month, my good friend and I flew to the East Coast to visit our other dear friend in...

New York Cityyyyy!!

This trip had me fallin' head over heels for this city. I am an introvert (hollah at me, my peeps!) and I thought I'd be scared out of my wits being in such a large city with so many people. The biggest surprise was that I absolutely loved it! I love how there are so many people and the stories that they have, people watching, the history that is seeping from the buildings, and the parks!

We had such a blast getting to explore the city and being such tourists, but the next time we go...we're definitely just sticking to eating and chillin' at the parks. ;)