Saturday, March 30, 2013

wppi part two.

On our second night in Vegas, we got to walk around the Strip and walk in and outside of the Bellagio. I don't ever remember watching the water show, so it was a real treat being able to see it three times in one night. ;) The inside of the Bellagio is so crazy!! I never knew!

I was really excited about seeing this. I had seen so many other people taking pictures under these. I wasn't really sure what they were at first, but just seeing the burst of colors on a ceiling above you gives quite a gleeful feeling. :)

I...was in awe of this. So. Much. Chocolate!

As I was with my two photo-enthusiast friends whipping out their monopod/tripod, I noticed how focused they were on getting the technical shots and how they're so well-versed in the technical aspect of photography. While they were keeping a steady hand on their cameras, I was frantically looking for people to shoot. Looking through my photos, you can tell that I like photographing people. I admit I still have a lot to learn, but I know I'm on my way to finding what my niche exactly is and discovering how to become better.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

las vegas -- wppi part one.

Judging from the batch of photos that I took at WPPI, I actually don't have that many from the actual conference itself. (Sorry to disappoint. I'm not sure how enthralling it would be anyway, since it was just various vendors and classes). This might be the only one you'll get from inside the tradeshow. heh!

{During the tradeshow hours, they would have photographers giving seminars at different vendors. This one was at Canon, and she was talking about how to pose clients for family portraits.}

This is our view from the hotel! SO HIGH.

These are from inside the MGM Signature hotel. It was pretty fancy. If you don't know, the windows from the outside are gold! :O

By the way, this is Tiff. She works with me at the studio I came with. She's super cool and I met her from UCI Photo Club! Hooray Anteaters! {Zot, Zot, Zot!}

Our Trader Joe's Kettle Popcorn that was gone within a day... Oops.

I'll post again with photos from Bellagio. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

wppi 2013.

When I first heard about this conference, all I could think was, "Dang. Someday, I hope to attend that conference, learn more about photography, and meet others who have the same love for the craft as I do!" I never thought that I would be presented with the opportunity of attending so soon.

Last week I went to the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photography International) Conference in crazy Las Vegas. There were hundreds of photographers, vendors, and sponsors in one location. I attended seminars, got inspired, and was reminded of why I fell in love with photography in the first place.

For the first few days, I forgot the reason why I wanted to even do photography in the first place. As I walked down the gallery of photographs that were recognized by the WPPI judges, I remembered.

I want to tell people's stories and for my audience to feel something from my photographs.

I love people, and I love hearing their stories. Even with the personal project I have going on, I know that everyone has a story to tell, and I want them to know and remember that. Every person is different, beautiful, and unique in their own special way, and that's what makes them who they are. Sure, there are models, celebrities, and musicians, but beneath it all, they're still just human with a story to tell of their own.

Of course insecurities came up on my end as a photographer. Thoughts of "Do I even have what it takes?" and, "How can I possibly survive among all of these hundreds of other photographers?" The reality of it all is that I don't know. I have no clue as to whether or not photography is what I'm meant to do, but I know that it's something that I want to strive toward and have the knowledge that I gave it my all.

I come back from WPPI inspired, motivated, and excited. It might seem like I'm just dreaming and not thinking of reality, but I prefer to try and fail, rather than wondering if I missed out on something amazing.

Here goes nothing.

{I'll be posting pictures in categories, so stay tuned for those. ;) }