Sunday, July 31, 2011

photo club.

This is pretty overdue, but here are some pictures from when I went out to photo club somewhere in the middle of Spring quarter! I'm hoping to try to come out more this upcoming year. Yay!

We walked around the Arts area of UCI and took pictures. Pretty much it. Cameras everywhere! Wooo!

Friday, July 15, 2011

unconventional portraiture.

If you haven't noticed already by past blog posts, I particularly like taking portraiture photography. I love people, and being able to capture their personality through the medium of the camera. For our third assignment, we had to take portraits of people in an unconventional way. I actually had two sets to work from by editing time, but I ended up choosing the first set.

first set:
I was kind of desperate for pictures, so I went with my good friend Jonathan, and we went to Costco. Prior to this assignment, I always admired street photographers and their ability to capture random strangers at unguarded moments. I so badly wanted to achieve something of that sort, but the thing is...I'm too chicken. I can't just boldly put my camera in front of my face, letting the person know that I'm taking a picture of them, and just bounce. So instead...I do that really fast, or hide behind something else and snap it. My classmates described these photos as being paparazzi, which I guess they kind of are...But yes, that is my story behind these pictures.

second set:

While trying to think of unconventional portraits, I love the idea of framing a picture within a picture with another object. Thus, this set was formed. She described it as having a "voyeuristic" feel. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

light, texture, and design.

For our second photo assignment, we were supposed to find texture, pattern, and the use of light on an object. This one was really hard for me because I totally don't think in the abstract, but I'm glad I came out with some pictures. haha. I'm so glad that I'm able to take this class and be challenged with my photography skills. I love the critique sessions we have every Thursday and looking at everyone else's photographs! I'm hoping that I'll be able to apply these techniques, criticisms in future photographs. Taking this class has made me realize that although I might not be the best at photography, it's something that I'm passionate about and love learning more about. Hooray!

the techie aspect.

Our first photo assignment was to take pictures using slow shutter speed, fast shutter speed, shallow depth-of-field, and far depth-of-field. Taking this class has been a different experience for me, just because you're forced to take pictures and make a photograph out of an ordinary scene. Either that, or create a story yourself. I'm enjoying this kind of challenge, and I've already been learning a lot! :)

Slow shutter speed.

Fast shutter speed.

Shallow depth-of-field.

Great depth-of-field.

Another cool thing is shooting the pictures in color, but editing it in black-and-white. I never edited in BW, but I'm starting to appreciate it more. Also, the more photos I take, the more I'm tempted to try out film...hmm. :P