Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5,000+ views!

So exciting that this post gets an exclamation mark!

This is pretty exciting. When I made this blog on February 28th, 2010, I never thought I'd reach this point in under three years!

It's all thanks to you:
- who would ask me when I would be posting more on this blog
- who encouraged me in my photography
- who were willing to be photographed so I could build up my portfolio
- who checked my blog more than a hundred times, (and for some people, I'm pretty sure a big chunk of the 5,000+ views is because of you. hehe).
- who affirmed what I've been pursuing in photography
- who believed in me and my photography

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's crazy to really see how far I've come in photography, and it's been so amazing to think that I'm continuing to learn so much about photography, as well.

Recently, I started an internship at a photo studio, and I was able to edit pictures. (Woohoo! Step up from deleting blurry/blinking pictures!) I started using presets, and I let out an audible gasp at how it beautifully transformed an already gorgeous photo. For a good 10-minutes, I was smiling and so excited over the beauty of photography and thought that I'd love to do this for awhile.

I'm not sure what the next few years will bring and what will happen, but I thank you so much for being a part of my journey.

{I was trying to look for a picture that encapsulates all that this post is and how I feel, but I couldn't find any. Thus, I took webcam pictures. However, I couldn't find quite the right emotion. So I'm posting multiple! hehe}.


  1. congrats steph !!! i love your blog :) especially when there's new content hehe

    1. !! Thanks, Elaine! hehe, thanks for being one of the few people who leave comments on my posts! It's very encouraging!! :)
