Saturday, September 29, 2012


Earlier this week I had the lovely opportunity to meet up with Jen Fuj. She was able to give me some tips and pointers about photography, the business side of it, how to get your name out there, etc. I was expecting only to grab lunch or coffee with her, but she offered to do a mini photoshoot with me! It was such a great experience and my first time working with a model who I didn't know prior to shooting.

Thanks so much, Jen! I definitely learned a lot from talking with you and was so encouraged from our conversations. :) And thanks Katelynn for being such a great model! It was so easy working with you and I had a lot of fun!

You can check out Jen's Facebook page here.

Friday, September 28, 2012


My friend Elaine dressed up as Pocahontas. She's a very talented, creative individual and has an artistic eye for things! :)

Traci did everyone's make-up! :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

disney hipster princesses.

At the beginning of the summer, my good friend Traci sent me this picture that was going around the internet. She suggested that we do something similar for our next big project. (We got together last minute with this Black Swan-esque photoshoot). We decided that we should actually plan it and see it through. Thus a few months later, with the help of some of our beautiful willing friends, we had our first shoot! Since there are so many Princesses, we are hopefully planning to do another one in the future... :)

The weather was perfect; not too hot or cloudy. We went to the park behind my old apartment. It was so much fun thinking creatively in a photoshoot and working with such talented, wonderful friends!

Since I have a lot of photos and it'd be cool to focus on each separate princess, I figured it would be best to break them up into different posts. This post will be the girls getting ready and the group shots.

Next post: Pocahontas.

sibling hang out.

A few years ago, my siblings and I decided to start doing an annual hang out once a year just to get together and have fun. This year, we decided to have dinner and explore the UCLA area. Walking around UCLA made me think of what it would have been like to be a student there...but I'm still glad I went to UCI! :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

pretty people's potluck.

Around the end of August, some of my high school friends planned a potluck picnic in the park. It was also our friend's birthday, so we got to celebrate her, too. Here are a few pictures. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I didn't want to tell a lot of people until we were for sure, but...we have a new member of the family! He's super adorable, and we named him Kobi. Yorokobimasu in Japanese means, "to be glad, happy, or joyful". Kobi is a puppy full of energy and joy, and he has captured my heart in more ways than one. Trust me, you'll be seeing him on this blog in the months to come!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

woodbridge park photowalk.

Last month I got together with a friend to go on a photowalk at Woodbridge Park in Irvine. I haven't gone on a photowalk in a really long time, so it was nice to simply walk around with my camera and shoot what I saw. Hopefully there will be more in the future like these. :)

{Yay for 100th post on this blog! Thanks to the people who ask about this blog and encourage me to post more. By the way, if you click on the images, it'll show a larger version of it.}