Wednesday, May 23, 2012


It's been awhile. ^^;

I've had these pictures on my desktop for awhile. In December, I took a vision trip to Japan to visit various missionaries, volunteer in the Tohoku region, and see how God is working in Japan.

These are some of the pictures that I took during my time volunteering with CRASH (Christian Relief Assistance Support and Hope), a non-profit organization that's reaching out to people affected by the tsunami. I absolutely loved my time there and realized that God might be calling me back toward that area. It was definitely surreal being in the place that I only saw from pictures on the news. Although there was a lot of devastation from the aftermath, there was still so much hope in the people that I met.

The first picture is of a couple at the local church in Tono, who have an amazing testimony and are shining God's light in such a dark place! The second picture is of a son and father who live in the temporary housing.  (With their dog, Caru! hehe). Both of the guys were super hilarious! The last picture is a few of the volunteers putting chirashi (flyers) into the bags with pillows in them.

I was going to print these pictures for a talent show that my fellowship puts on, but I decided not to.

Hopefully I can post more pictures more often! Heh! :)

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