Friday, November 4, 2011

long beach adventure.

Wow. It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Even though I have more time on my hands, I haven't had the time to shoot for creativity's sake. I was talking to some friends tonight about how I wanted to do another photoshoot that was not of the ordinary, so I might take that up soon. We'll see...

Anyway, last month my friend and I were dropping off our other friend at the Long Beach Airport. Since we were in the area, we decided to cruise down the streets to find something to eat. Randomly, we passed by the pier, (I think), and went to the Farmer's Market. I saw on Yelp! that a coffee shop called Berlin was good, so we walked a few blocks down to there. Pretty good, but a teeny bit overpriced, I'd say.

 So cool! The coffee shop was had a book section, ample places to study, AND a music store. All in one! Woww! :) Dream come true, f'sure.

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