Sunday, May 22, 2011

rach and mari.

I've photographed Rachel before, but this time, I photographed her and Marisabel. I met these two girls last year, and they're super sweet, (Rachel, not as sweet...jk!), and it's been such a joy seeing how they've grown and how God's shaping them into beautiful women of God.

We went to North Lake Park. This park has this HUGE man-made lake, and there are a bunch of houses surrounding it. There's a lot to do there, and it was fun looking for places to shoot.

I actually wasn't sure how to photograph them, but I guess when two people are really good friends, it just comes naturally. Can't wait to see where God takes your friendship. <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011

traci - senior portraits.

People have been asking me to take pictures for them lately, and I'm not complaining. When I told Traci that, she said, "Sometimes you don't have to look for opportunities, but sometimes they come to you". True true!

I've known Traci since middle school. We go to the same church back at home, and I feel like I've known her forever. Even though I've never done a portrait session before, it was interesting to do. We ended up going to the Camp in Costa Mesa! The Camp is a pretty popular, urban hang-out/shopping place. Lots of cool decor there. :)

Congratulations on finishing college! :) I'm excited to see where God's going to take you in these upcoming years!