Thursday, April 22, 2010


During my spring break, I went to visit some friends to bake cupcakes for a missions team in LA. It was really fun just seeing familiar faces in their hometown and just spending time together. I think I was getting some Irvine-withdrawals. haha.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I always get inspired when I meet people and find out that they're already in the photography business. Although there are many times when I feel like I might not cut it in the business, I get inspired by them and forget about my doubts and keep on dreaming.

Monday, April 12, 2010

dance, dance, dance.

My sister is a dancer. Because of her, I think I got more interested in dance and how you could seamlessly translate lyrics from a song into movement with your own body. I also love how there's so much passion in it. In dance, it seems like you have to put your ALL in it, or it's meaningless. Hopefully someday I can learn how to dance!

la marathon 2010.

This year, the LA Marathon went from the Dodger Stadium to Santa Monica Pier. Pretty insane. This is my older sister's second time doing this marathon, and my other sister's third time doing it! Me? I've done it...never! HAHA. Don't know what happened to me... Oh well...

It was crazy how many people actually did it though! I definitely give them props for doing it. And it was nice seeing how people still had a smile on their face as they were running the last part of the race. :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Even if it's impossible. Even if it's irrational. Just...believe.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

wednesday middle earth leaders hang out.

Haha. That's a mouthful, ain't it? :)

This is way past a month since this has happened, but a month ago, the small group leaders and cores from Wednesday Middle Earth Small Groups hung out...just because we get along so well and I lovelovelove the dynamics of our group of leaders. hehe. We are ridiculous. I love it!