Tuesday, July 20, 2010

shady canyon.

I went back to Irvine last week to do a photoshoot with a friend. A couple of my friends generously volunteered their beautiful selves to model once again! Yayyy friends!

We went to a place called Shady Canyon. Actually, it's not shady and not a canyon. It's a random private road that has a field. The parking lot was pretty deserted and it was next to a soccer field. Maybe 2o minutes into it, it started to rain a bit, but the sun was still out. So weird. I wish we could have spent more time there, but I am satisfied with the final shots I got. Hooray!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I got to go bowling with some friends when I visited Irvine last. I forgot how fun it was! And to top it off, it was cheap! :) YAY!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Freshman small group leader. Friend. Sister.

She's all graduated from college and going out to the world. Go get 'em girl. :)

can't wait.

I'm going to be living with this girl for the next year. I'm excited! (Because that means more pictures of her! ;) )


I don't really have a title for this collection of pictures, since they're from various places and times...so I'm just putting them in one entry. Heh. Sorry! I promise that there will be at least one or two legit photoshoots that I'm planning on doing this summer. Thank you to my loyal readers! :D

edge games.

dance show.

what girls do best.

visit to arcadia with friends.

had to repost this. :)

m.e. lovin'.

emma's surprise.


When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I’d like to know them. Anyone I know I photograph.
- Annie Leibovitz

first wedding.

As it says in the sidebar, one of my inspirations for wanting to become a wedding photographer is after doing my sister's engagement pictures in Yosemite. (Which can be found here). Err it was kind of hard to actually take pictures of the actual wedding since I was kind of in it, but I managed to take some pictures while my sister and the bridesmaids were getting ready and a few during. Hopefully I'll be able to get some experience in a wedding that I'm not in. HEH! But I suppose this would be a preview of what it'd hopefully be like. :)